What was it like for John McCarthy enduring 1,943 days of squalid captivity?
How did he overcome physical and mental torture, doubt and despair?
What was it like to be captured by Lebanese fanatics?
Click here to read more about John McCarthy's experiences

John McCarthy - Business Lessons
Business audiences are dubbing John McCarthy the “greatest” business speaker in the UK.
Talks based on his experiences at the hands of terrorist kidnappers in the Lebanon consistently receive sensational critical acclaim and audience approval.
John McCarthy kept his dignity, triumphed over sadistic bullies determined to destroy him mentally and physically. He won the respect of some of his captors.
Today, the acclaimed broadcaster and author wins the respect of audiences who admire his lack of bitterness and marvel at the human lessons to be learned from his triumph over terrible adversity.
He is praised for making events extra special and tailoring his talks to suit a variety of topics for corporate and business audiences. He injects just the right level of humour and detail to make his presentations truly memorable.
Sally Steadman of Humber Business Link is typical of the many satisfied customers. Giving top marks for content, presentation, relevance and entertainment she said:
“John exceeded our expectations. His presentation was fantastic. It was pitched at just the right level. It was a heartfelt presentation.”
Topics covered by this amazing and memorable speaker include:
- Communication
- Relationships
- Survival
- Bullying
- Teamwork